Blue Star Chronicle Wiki
Blue Star Chronicle Wiki

Point-Defense Systems are a basic defense systems for targets too small or fast to take out with heavy weapons, such as Turbolasers. They are commonly seen being used against starfighters, mounted on the sides of cruisers, space stations, static platforms, and ground bases. Smaller variants can fit on tanks, bombers, and other vehicles, and are often found in greater numbers than turbolasers.


Point-defense systems are usually seen in the form of turrets, often with two or more barrels, used to shoot down starfighters or infantry. These turrets are usually rather small, and do not have the same energy-boosting tech as turbolasers. However, they have a far faster turning speed and rate of fire, and are often controlled by AI systems that allows them to hit fast-moving targets, although it is not uncommon to see manned variants, although the AI-controlled models often prove to be the most effective. Other forms of point-defense systems are used for the same purpose of shooting down small and fast units, although some are more specialized, such as surface defense systems, which are commonly electric generators that fire arcs of energy along the hull of a ship or the outer plates of a structure to damage or blow off any intruders. Other forms of point-defense systems are used specifically to intercept projectiles, clear debris, or serve as a form of shield against attackers.


Point defense systems, like Turbolasers, were first developed by the predecessors of the Old Titanian Empire, which was known as the Old Titanian Kingdom. They grew in popularity when the Old Titanian Empire collapsed in civil war, and became a standard weapon of the newly formed Intergalactic Empire. Although they didn't possess the same firepower as larger weapons, their capabilities filled in the gaps left by the larger guns, and combined with other developments such as turbolasers, shielding systems, and advanced armor tech, the point-defense systems made older ballistic weapons obsolete and ineffective. They were relatively easy to develop and manufacture, and were made in many different forms.


Standard Turret: The Government and Imperial standard, used by almost every other faction. Usually comprised of two or more barrels, and usually controlled by AI systems.

Energy Net Emitter: Energy net emitters are commonly used along the sides and banks of cruisers, and fire arcs of energy that arc off of targets or simply blast through them in random patterns. The original use for these devices were to clear asteroid fields, although warships and space stations often use them as a close-range anti-starfighter weapon. They can function in either randomly-generated arcs or set patterns.

Missile Systems: A form of point-defense systems that still uses ballistics, missile systems fire hundreds of tiny missiles that intercept other projectiles.

Explosive Shot Systems: These systems fire energy rounds that explode after a short distance, destroying any projectiles or units in its radius.

Surface Defense Systems: Surface defense systems keep enemies off of the hulls and sides of structures and ships, and are often found in the forms of lower intensity energy net emitters. However, basic shielding, energy surge generators, shockwave generators, and laser-bladed saws are also common.

Projectile Shield: A basic close-range point-defense system, often seen as an array of tiny ports, often small enough to fit on the front of bombers and starfighters. These systems are commonly found on tanks and even heavy infantry units, and simply target harmful projectiles, intercepting them with low intensity lasers that would often not deal any damage to larger targets. Most starfighters carry a frontal projectile shield that is in the form of a basic shield generator, and can be used as a shield to ram into other starfighters.